Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why People Gain Weight Back

So, it's time to add another blog post to the Primal-Chro.  Sorry I have been so slow.  I guess I've been concentrating on other things.

In this article that came out earlier in the year, written by an executive coach, his personal experience probably mirrors a lot of people who gained their lost weight back.  Don't we hear that  a lot about the yo-yo going up and down and up and down?

People who gain weight back might be thinking like this author.  He believed once he got to his desired weight he thought he could add grains back in.

Well, that is a no-no and for a very good reason:  the body handles grains very poorly.  Especially whole grains.  They all raise insulin.  It doesn't matter your age of activity level.  Grains must go.

But the Paleo-Primal diet is not boring.  Not at all!  Enjoy the health and high energy.  See the photo above? That is fun eating!  Enjoy the health and high energy.


--Dr. Lisa