Did you say neither? I hope so.
It is an disputable fact that we need supplements because the food supply is grossly adulterated all the way from the farm to the store and then your home.
Soil nutrients are depleted, processed foods are made from GMO corn and other grains. Sugar use has skyrocketed in the last century giving us some pretty addictive desires for unhealthy foods. Even our mass farmed livestock are over fed grains and chemicals for a better profit outcome.
All that said, even with a steady diet of home cooked foods and fresh produce (as fresh as we can get from the store) we need to supplement with high quality vitamins, minerals, and adaptogenic nutricueticals.
I truly believe a good supplement routine is necessary for optimal health. Do you need to spend $300-$400 dollars a month? No. If you are ask yourself this: Am I feeling better? It is possible you still have nagging health issues.
Should you go to Kinney's and WalMart and buy what is on the shelves? No. You must have more on the label than a cheap price. A supplement company should be researched for its raw materials, bio-availability, and purity testing.
We know we need to make a small investment in supplements but how do we narrow down the choices?
The most important factor is your daily diet. At this point, evaluate how close you are to the Paleo-Primal diet. I say this because if you are not, you are probably taking needless supplements to help you with health issues related to your diet.
If you think your diet is healthy, visit my Myth of the Month website. And stick around on my new Time to GO Paleo blog. More is coming.
When you fix your diet, you will need less supplements.
Ask me about it at your next visit. We will discuss if you are getting enough protein. A poor protein balance can throw off Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium . More minerals won't fix it. Protein intake will. We can talk about replacing grains with high fat foods that make your appetite happy and your waistline smaller.
See you at the table...the chiropractic table.
Dr. Lisa
Your Health Freedom Advocate
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